Picture books are an excellent way to benefit your child or student's cognitive development. There are ten books in this set. Purchase individually or in our "Deal Packages" found below. The pre-k books cover these subjects:
Inside the house - object identification.
Outside the house - object identification.
Fruit identification.
Shapes & colors.
Animal identification - wild animals.
Farm animals & pets.
Numbers - 1 through 20.
Transportation - air, land, and water.
Emotions and why we feel emotions.

To order individually: $7.99 each until 1/1/2023.
Books 1-3 SALE $14.99 until 1/1/2023
Books 4-6 SALE $14.99 until 1/1/2023
Books 7-10 SALE $14.99 until 1/1/2023