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Attitude of Gratitude

Updated: Nov 4, 2022

If you want to feel better, start by getting into the practice of daily gratitude. Gratitude will change your life! A few moments in the morning before you start your day. You are grateful all day for everything in your life when you get good at it. Here are a few to get you started.

1. I Am happy and grateful for everything I have and receive daily.

2. I Am thankful that with each experience, I become a better version of myself.

3. I realize that every situation in life has some purpose, and I thank the Universe for it.

4. The more I show my gratitude, the more good things I receive to be thankful for.

5. I Am so happy and grateful that I am the creator of my reality.

6. I Am grateful for another day to make a positive contribution.

7. I Am grateful for my dreams and the power to manifest them.

8. I live in a state of gratitude, and I Am always thankful for the help and support of others who have helped me along the way.

9. I Am grateful each day is an opportunity and a gift.

10. I am grateful to the Universe for manifesting all the wonderful things in my life so far.

Gratitude will be the best habit you have ever acquired!

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